Monday, June 4, 2007

hmmm expanding one's writing skills

So as always I think role playign is good for your role play skills if you actually work at it. Its great practice. I had already mastered being a guy in role plays but one I had never tried was being a gay man. This took more effert then ever because I was a man that liked other men. Like how do gay guy's dance? Well luckily my partner in crime was a gay guy so I basically had some one leading me by the hand through this (not a bad idea) and indeed they dance like any one else. Note this was also hard cause well I don't dance with guys. I just have really bad luck with it. I'll dance with girls and I'll dance near guys but not with them. So yea this all was very helpful. I definately recomend doing something like this to the advanced writers but even they might want to start first by role playing the other sex first. Its best if you have a person who can judge if thats really how some one would act/think to roleplay with to correct you. But yea...