Wednesday, May 9, 2007


When I was little pink was my favorite color. As I got older I changed over to blue. I still have a soft spot for blue but, then I changed to black, and gray is always good, and now though its so many colors. I like pink once more and start to like purple, green is still hiding in the back ground, but the one color I still don't like is orange. Orange is a good fruit and a lovely juice but as a color I can do with out. I don't feel for yellow as much either, but a yellow flower is kinda catching. Red goes with black and i don't mind it so its not that I just don't like warm colors, its just orange is so orange. And Mr. Wilson doesn't like the pink highlighter! He didn't assign it a job! Does he think its not worthy of a job?! Is he calling it stupid?! It is a blonde's best friend but, we all know blonde's aren't stupid! Mr. Wilson is insulting pink and blondes! OMG!!!!

(Seriously thats all a joke but Mr.Wilson seriously didn't assign pink a job in this short story manuscript.)

1 comment:


funny about wilson i personally dont care much for pink even though i look best in it green has always been and probably always will be my favorite color then its blue and purple and the other colors aint bad but pink has always been my least fav. but dont worry im not out to kill pink off